Members of the Society have been preparing exhibitions and talks on aspects of village life for thirty years. We now present at least one exhibition per year. The main spring exhibition usually follows a talk on the same subject in April. We also aim to present an exhibition for Heritage Open Days (formerly organised by the Civic Trust, but now transferred to English Heritage) in September. Exhibitions are mounted on display boards, with a total space of 36 square feet each side, although we are often only able to use one side. Talks are normally of three quarters to one hour's duration.
Both exhibitions and talks comprise text, together with photographs and other exhibits, based on research from estate brochures, newspaper cuttings. etc. as well as information from sources at local repositories. Anecdotes from local residents bring them to life. We usually need to acquire further material, especially photographs, which then augment our photographic archive. Many of these are taken by committee members; others are kindly loaned for scanning by local residents. We are grateful to everyone who helps us with information and material. Most exhibitions and talks are prepared as part of the Society’s own programme. The Society has in mind to present suitable exhibitions as talks and/or publications and vice versa.
Talks for Outside Organisations
The Society is often asked to give talks for other organisations. We have our own equipment (digital projector, laptop, screen, etc.). We can normally give those which are already prepared at very short notice, always providing a speaker and someone to operate our equipment is available; they are all set up on the computer. However, due to other Society and personal commitments we regret that we cannot accept bookings for either February or September. We are happy to prepare new talks, provided they can be accommodated within our schedule and are of general public interest. The Society does not charge a fixed fee, as we are conscious that some organisations are much better of financially than others. We are happy to accept a donation of whatever an amount organisations pay their speakers.
Exhibitions for Outside Organisations
The Society is also sometimes asked to provide small exhibitions. This can be done provided display space is available - either our own boards or that provided by the enquirer. These can take the form of specially prepared photographs, or possibly a version of an existing exhibition, particularly for those prepared after 2003.
Prepared Projects
Click on the links below to see a list of existing talks, the kind of exhibitions which can be produced for outside organisations and a complete list of the Society’s past projects. There is usually a charge for exhibitions as they incur both material costs and considerable time.